Endowment Fund
The purpose of the Crossways Endowment Fund is to enable the future growth of Crossways Camping Ministries.
The fund may be distributed for:
"Camperships" (camp scholarships) to individuals and families with financial need
Scholarships for congregational youth workers, education and music directors, teachers and leaders to attend workshops, seminars, camps, and leadership events sponsored by Crossways
Educational/conference scholarships for both full-time and part-time Crossways staff members to expand their resources and camping education, and deepen the concept of this as a Lutheran ministry
Innovative program development by Crossways with the goal of developing new programs or expanding current programs to a position not normally attained through other means
Stipends for educational/spiritual leaders to lead/speak at Crossways programs
Other purposes as designated by restricted gifts or as deemed appropriate by the Crossways Endowment Committee
We give thanks to all the generous donors who have assisted in making it possible for youth and adults to enjoy and grow from their experiences at our three sites and through our day camp ministry. We are also grateful for the support to provide programs and training to enhance the ministry of Crossways for many years to come!
To discuss a potential gift or to make a contribution to the Crossways Endowment Fund, please contact our administrative office at (920) 882-0023 or info@crosswayscamps.org.